Virtual Tool Kit

Virtual Tool Kit

As we prepare to celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., Indiana University is proud to offer a virtual toolkit to help community members educate, learn, and grow throughout the year. You can find activities to promote reflection on Dr. King's life and legacy, family-friendly experiences, A Day On, Not A Day Off service opportunities, and conference tools to include social media badges, Zoom backgrounds, and more.

And before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world.

Martin Luther King Jr., 1967 “Christmas Sermon on Peace”

Educational Activities


Orange, written by IU Alumn, Derrick Slack is a children's book about diversity, inclusion, the power of words, identity, positive self-esteem, and getting help when times are difficult. As the author reads Orange, we learn that everyone has a special place.

Listen to the author read the story

We Shall Overcome

"We Shall Overcome" is a gospel protest song and a unity anthem of the Civil Rights Movement in the United State. As you sing along, consider how you will use your voice to help create a more just world for all.

Watch African American Choral Ensemble

I Have a Dream

"I have a Dream" is one of the defining speeches of the 20th century. After reading Dr. King's dream for our world, reflect on your dreams and share on social media using #IUMLK.

Read the speech
A reel of 2-inch Quad Tape on a tabletop with a ruler nearby

IU digitizes rare 1962 MLK interview

While the digitized quad tapes offer interesting snapshots of broadcast television from the prior century, perhaps no recording holds as much lasting cultural and historical significance as the 1962 episode of  Washington Conversation featuring an interview with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Learn more

Coloring Sheet

Coloring sheet for kids and kids at heart. Share your pictures with us on social using #IUMLK!

Download coloring sheets

DIY Make Your Own Zine

Take a picture of your coloring sheets or MLK-themed Zine and share on your favorite social media platform using #IUMLK.

DIY Zine Instructions

MLK Games

Browser-based games for celebrating MLK Day!

MLK Word Search

A Day On, Not a Day Off

IU Corps logoBeginning in 1994, Congress designated the third Monday in January every year as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This National Day of Service is set aside to encourage all Americans to participate in volunteering to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King and to help make a difference in their communities.

Here are just a few ideas to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King.

  • Sign up for MLK Day volunteer opportunities in the local non-profit community on the BVN MLK Service web page. On this page, you will find opportunities for both MLK Day and the 40 Days of Peace that follows.
  • Attend the City of Bloomington MLK Birthday Celebration at 6 p.m. on Jan. 20, 2025.
  • Visit Bloomington Volunteer Network to research volunteer opportunities that are happening throughout the year.
  • Call an elderly neighbor to check in on them.
  • Contact a local non-profit and inquire about any upcoming volunteer needs.
  • Drop off a non-perishable donation to a local food bank in your area.
  • Brighten someone's day by writing letters to seniors who are living in care facilities.
  • Take up a collection of new and unopened hygiene items for a local homeless shelter.

To learn about opportunities in your community, visit your local city official websites and IU CORPS.

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King

Are you interested in honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by sharing how his legacy has inspired you? Please share a 60-second video or short written reflection answering questions such as: What does Dr. King’s legacy mean to you? What do equality and protest mean to you? What have you learned from the recent social and racial unrest? Why is it important to continue Dr. King’s legacy?

Share your videos on social media by sending a direct message to one of the OVPDEI social media pages or post on your platform and use the hashtag #IUMLK. FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

MLK Gifs are available on Instagram stories by searching in the GIFs tag for IUMLK or Indiana University MLK.

Zoom Virtual Background

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